Presenting Truth to a Hurting World

Presenting Truth to a Hurting World

Give Them
The Keys

By Tim D. Ramsey

Have you ever noticed the mindset that takes over when you have the ownership of something valuable entrusted to you? It totally changes your perspective. You want it to be taken care of. You want to show it to your friends. You’re willing to work hard because you feel responsible for it.

Entrusting ministry opportunities to our students has the same effect. We have heard, from many different sources, that approximately 75% of graduates are leaving the church after high school graduation. To those who on the front lines of student ministry, this trend can be depressing, frustrating, and even defeating. Is there a way to change this? Yes, and it starts with giving them the keys!


“Tim spoke at a Disciple Now weekend for me. He was incredible! Tim speaks with honesty, integrity and is extremely relevant. My students are still talking about what a quality job Tim did!”

Youth Pastor, Indiana

“Tim connected with our students in an amazing way and brought deep insight from God’s Word that was relevant and edgy. I will have him back!”


Youth Pastor, Arkansas

“Tim’s abilities as a communicator of God’s word are truly a gift from God. Tim has rapport with students like few others I know. He brings a message to student in a way that is both honest and direct, and also captivating for those who hear him”

Pastor, Texas

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